Wednesday, January 12, 2011


THREE policemen who allegedly subjected a rape suspect in their custody to severe beating, resulting in his death, have been interdicted.
After the suspect’s death, the three policemen were said to have attempted to conceal the incident by not reporting it to their district and regional command until an informant reported it to the command.
The three policemen, all stationed at Elubo, were named as Inspector J.E.K. Mensah, Corporal Yamba Bawa and Constable Ebenezer Kujo. They have since been interdicted and detained, pending further investigations.
The police said when the case of rape was brought against the deceased, Manye Nyanzu, 28, a teacher, he admitted having been at the bar where he was alleged to have attempted to sexually harass the operator of the drinking bar but declined further comment.
The three policemen were said not to be satisfied with the “no comment” Manye Nyanzu had written on his statement form and, therefore, subjected him to a barrage of slaps and other forms of torture in their quest to compel him to speak.
According to the police, Manye Nyanzu looked weak after the maltreatment he had suffered and when he was sent to cells, he started complaining of pains and other forms of weakness.
The police said for fear of trouble, the three policemen took him to a nearby clinic, where he was given only pain killers, after which he was returned to cells, where he died on January 1, 2011.
After his death, the policemen were said to have concealed the information and refused to report it to their district and regional authorities until an informant called the Western Regional Police Commander to inform him about the incident.
The police further explained that Manye Nyanzu was said to have gone to a drinking bar at Kojokrom near Elubo and got himself drunk.
According to the police, in his state of drunkenness, he pounced on the woman selling the alcohol and started harassing her sexually. It was then that her husband appeared on the scene and rescued her.
To avoid embarrassment, Manye Nyanzu and the rape victim’s husband agreed on a settlement, but days after the agreement, Manye Nyanzu failed to honour his side of the bargain and the case was reported to the police, which led to his arrest.
The police said when Manye Nyanzu reached the police station at Elubo, the three policemen subjected him to severe beatings to compel him to confess, which he refused.
When contacted, the Western Regional Police Commander, Alhaji Hamidu Mahama, confirmed the interdiction and the death case and said the police were investigating the matter.
He assured the family of the deceased that the police would fully investigate the incident and ensure that justice was done.

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